

关于新冠病毒的起源,近来一直是公众关注的焦点。华盛顿大学专攻病毒基因学的生物学家贝德福德(Trevor Bedford)指出,他与西雅图流感研究中心的合作研究表明,美国今年一月份之前没有爆发过新冠疫情。贝德福德4月12日在18条推文中详细阐述了他的研究,其中一条写道:“新型冠状病毒于2020年1月/2月被首次引入美国”。
There is a lot of Twitter chatter surrounding a rumor that circulation of #COVID19 in California in fall 2019 has resulted in herd immunity. This is empirically not the case. COVID-19 was first introduced into the USA in Jan/Feb 2020.
We tested 3600 samples collected in Jan 2020 for COVID-19 status and found zero positives. We tested 3308 samples collected in Feb 2020 and found a first positive on Feb 21 with a total of 10 samples testing positive in Feb. 5/18

早前有一种说法是,新型冠状病毒去年11月已经在美国开始传播,但被外界认为是季节性流感,并且许多美国人感染了这种病毒,因此对疫情已经免疫。Additionally, we confirmed that these samples from acute respiratory infections from Oct 2019 through Feb 2020 contained a variety of different viruses including influenza, RSV, rhinovirus, metapneumovirus and seasonal coronavirus. 6/18
For (2), the genetic relationships among sequenced viruses reveals their transmission history as described here nextstrain.org/help/general/h…. #SARSCoV2 accumulates genetic changes at about 2 per month along a transmission chain (nextstrain.org/ncov/global?l=…). 9/18
There have been hundreds of viruses sequenced from infections in the USA. We can use these sequences to date the arrival of the epidemic. Doing so, we see that there were multiple introductions driving the US epidemic and the earliest was in Jan. nextstrain.org/ncov/global?f_… 11/18

