Category: English

  • Condense the heart, realize the dream!

    Boston, Nov. 21, 2023, Just days before US Thanksgiving holiday, Mr. Jie Long, the champion of the International Epee Cup, President of the Latvian Guangdong Chamber of Commerce, President of the Champion International Sports Culture Association, Vice President of the Guangdong Fencing Association, Consultant of the Latvian Disabled Epee team visited Boston after meeting with…

  • 十年前被美国商务部指控为中国间谍,陈霞芬获联邦政府180万美元赔偿

    【波士顿双语网2022年11月10日讯】美国国家气象局的美籍华裔科学家陈霞芬(Sherry Chen)的律师今天宣布就两起诉讼达成历史性和解,以追究对她的错误起诉和解雇的责任。该和解是商务部历史上向个人原告支付的最大金额之一。陈女士将在10年内从商务部获得550,000 美元和来自美国政府的价值125万美元的年金。美国华人联合会(UCA)会长薛海培对此表示,这是美国华人历史上在历经了多次最高法院胜诉,前李文和案件的胜诉之后,美国华人维权历史上的又一重大里程碑。 上图:(左起)廖青、刘红、陈霞芬、薛海培在参会中合影。

  • NECLTA第十一届年会成功举行 The 11th NECLTA Annual Conference Held at Tufts University

    中文教学的国际盛会:记NECLTA第十一届年会 【美国印象网2022年10月讯,严蕾、陆熙雯、刘伟供稿】新英格兰地区中文教师协会(NECLTA)第十一届年会暨中文教学国际会议于2022年10月1日在塔夫茨大学新落成的Joyce Cummings Center举行。此次会议的主题为“学中文:加强沟通、共享未来 ”,这是协会自疫情以来的第一次线下会议,有来自新英格兰地区六州、纽约州、加州的103人参会,有三十多位老师分享了教学经验和方法,下午还举行了两场圆桌讨论会。 此次会议在中国传统音乐的现场演奏中拉开了序幕,开幕式由NECLTA执行长王命全老师主持。塔夫茨大学文理学院的学术院长Samuel Thomas教授首先向大会发表致辞。他的讲话热情洋溢,不仅表达了对塔夫茨大学中文教学团队的由衷感谢,也对NECLTA多年来的努力和成绩给予了充分肯定与支持。Thomas院长还充满感情地谈到自己的儿子学习中文的故事,希望中国的语言和文化可以更多地促进人们的交流和理解。他预祝大会圆满成功。随后,NECLTA会长吴瑜老师总结了协会一年来的发展并介绍了理事会成员。 副会长王志军老师介绍了本届大会的投稿情况和发言安排。接下来吴瑜会长介绍了本次大会的主讲嘉宾,Erwin Tschirner教授。Erwin Tschirner教授的讲座题目是Pathways to Proficiency: Understanding and Supporting Language Development for Communication。在报告中,Erwin Tschirner教授对比了ACTFL、CEFR 与HSK三种中文语言测量标准的差异,强调了词汇量与语言水平的关联,指出学生需要语言的知识和能力才能参与有效交流,教师在规划和管理学生学习时需要知道哪些事情, 以及针对不同水平的学生最有效的教学干预类型。 图一:大会合影

  • Latvian National Pentathlon Team Won Fencing Medals in Copenhagen, and Appoints Long Jie as Technical General Advisor

    August 28, 2022, Copenhagen — Young fencers from European countries come to this city to compete for the Nordic crown. In July this year, Mr. Long Jie joined forces with the Latvian National Modern Pentathlon Team and was appointed as the Technical General Advisor, striving to make a contribution to the excellent results of the…

  • A1 International Makes Friends by Fencing in Latvia and Beyond

    June 27, 2022, A1 International sports and cultural associations are located in Latvia, a member of the European Union, and Boston, a cultural and educational city in the USA, and the beautiful Macao SAR. It gathers friends with fencing, martial arts, painting & calligraphy, science & technology education, trade,music and film. A1 International’s programs enable…

  • Meet Logan Data at the Bio-IT World Conference 2022

    Boston, May 4, 2022, — The Bio-IT World Conference is being held at Hynex Convention Center from May 3 to 5. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Bio-IT World Conference. At the exhibition hall, Krishna Kodeboyena, president of Westford MA based Logan Data Inc., talked with about how Logan Data is helping…

  • Apply Now for Commonwealth Seminar Spring 2022 Session

    Applications for our “virtual” Spring 2022 Session are now available! Congratulations to Our Winter 2022 Seminar Class! Our historic, first All-Women class in Seminar history Check out one of our most unique and remarkable graduations ever thanks to our incredible class and Graduation Speaker, Senator Lydia Edwards Watch our Winter 2022 Graduation HERE Leverett Wing Featured in the…

  • Register Now: 2022 Bio-IT World Conference & Expo in Boston

    Boston, April 9, 2022, — Only two weeks after the 126th running of Boston Marathon on April 18, the Bio-IT World Conference & Expo will be held at Hynes Convention Center on May 3 to 5. Please secure your place early at Exhibition hall of 2016 Bio-IT World Conference & Expo (file photo)

  • Rep. Ayanna Pressley Participates in Historic Hearing on Medicare for All

    WASHINGTON, March 29, 2022 – Today, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (MA-07), a member of the House Oversight Committee, participated in the committee’s hearing on universal healthcare coverage, a historic moment and momentum for the Medicare For All Movement.

  • Mayor Wu Attends the First Large Banquet since the Pandemic @BostonChinatown

    Feb. 25, 2022, — Boston Chinatown Business Association(CBA)held the Chinese New Year banquet on March 23, 2022 at Empire Garden restaurant. Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, Boston City Council President Ed Flynn, State Rep Aaron Michlewitz and other government officials attended this banquet along with 400 guests. This is the first large gathering in Boston Chinatown…