Tag: R.I.P.

  • UCA Mourns Passing of Congressman John Lewis

    July 19, 2020, Washington D.C.– United Chinese Americans (UCA), a leading coalition of Chinese Americans, joins our nation in mourning the loss of a civil rights legend, an untiring champion for justice, and a dear friend to the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities: Congressman John Lewis.

  • Funeral of WWII Hero Arthur Wong Held Today

    May 1, 2020, — Mr. Arthur Wong of Boston Chinatown passed away on April 26, 2020 at age 96. The funeral of Mr. Wong was held today at Deware Funeral Home in Quincy, Mass. Only eight people were allowed in the funeral home due to the COVID-19 pandemic related restrictions. Mr. Rich Wong, son of…

  • 华人分享逃生经验 赌城大屠杀死亡人数升至59人

    【波士顿双语网讯】美国西部城市拉斯维加斯警方10月2日说,当地时间1日晚发生在该市的枪击事件已造成至少59人死亡、527人受伤。事件发生后,美国总统特朗普命令,联邦建筑一直到本周五降半旗以对死难者表示哀悼。 上图:本来是去拍音乐会的Getty Image的摄影记者拍到的大屠杀场面。