Category: Column

  • Stilwell and China: A Hundred Years of Faith and Friendship

    Few Americans and Chinese today know the fame, glory and controversies of General Stilwell, who served as the Chief of Staff of Allied Forces in the China-Burma-India Theatre. As one of the most important yet controversial figures of WWII, General Stilwell left an intriguing legacy for historians to study and scrutinize. This essay, neither a…

  • 美丽的夏威夷 Beautiful Hawaii Islands

    作者:廖艺蕾(11岁,美国波士顿) 这个圣诞节我和我的家人去了夏威夷度假。我们去了一个绿沙滩,夏威夷的国家火山公园,和一个水上乐园并与海豚在海水里一起游泳,还去了古兰尼牧场,和鸟一起玩了。

  • Beautiful Meili Snow Mountain and Its Virgin Peaks

    The Meili Snow Mountain, also known as the Prince Snow Mountains, is located deep in the Tibetan Plateau foothills, about 10 kilometers (6 miles) west of Deqin County Town, which is about 4 hours’ driving from Shangri-La, Yunnan Province. The area is a land of pilgrimage for Tibetan Buddhists. In the 1930s, it was praised…

  • The RMB: A Reserve Currency for the Future?

    By Jing Guan, columnist China has been blamed for America’s debt crisis while, at the same time, trying to gradually increase the value of the RMB. However, RMB appreciation alone is not the answer to America’s debt crisis. Many economists, including Noble Prize Laureate Joseph Stiglitz, argue for a new global reserve currency. The…

  • Jeff Bezos Issues His Final Letter to Shareholders as Amazon CEO

    April 15, 2021 To our shareowners: In Amazon’s 1997 letter to shareholders, our first, I talked about our hope to create an “enduring franchise,” one that would reinvent what it means to serve customers by unlocking the internet’s power. I noted that Amazon had grown from having 158 employees to 614, and that we had…

  • BCPA 2020 One Photo a Week by Guozhong Li

    BCPA 2020 One Photo a Week 一周一拍 Boston Chinese Photographer Association (BCPA) “2020 One Photo a Week” aims to train its members to capture the unusual moments in daily lives. 活动目的在训练观察,主要在日常平凡的生活中发现并记录下不平凡的瞬间。只有新奇才能产生震撼 ! 波士顿华人摄影协会(BCPA)2020年每周一拍活动 本项活动目的在训练观察,主要在日常平凡的生活中发现并记录下不平凡的瞬间。只有新奇才能产生震撼 ! The following 15 photos over 15 weeks were shot by Mr. Guozhong Li, who was president of BCPA in 2015.…

  • Dr. Wu Lien Teh, Plague Fighter and Father of the Chinese Public Health System

    By Zhongliang Ma and Yanli Li The Chinese scholar, journalist, and philosopher, Liang Qichao said, “From late Qing Dynasty to Republic of China, about 50 years since science came into China, only Dr. Wu Lien Teh (Fig. 1) can meet and talk with foreign scientists as a real scholar.” In 1935, he also became the first…

  • 空前绝后的波士顿蜜糖大爆炸

    1919年波士顿北端(North End)发生的蜜糖储存罐大爆炸,直接造成了21人当场死亡,150余人身受重伤。这场发生在100年前的特殊灾难,现在回想起来,当地人仍然心有余悸。甚至事件结束后,当地政府还在现场,安插了一个牌子,记录了这场惨烈的灾难。 1919年1月15日的下午,风和日丽,温度也十分反常地升高了十几度。在波士顿市区,突然一股巨大的蜜糖袭向人们。据后来专业人士调查,这股巨大的蜜糖,足足有14000多吨,高度有7、8米之高,远看就像是海啸一般。

  • How Hate Reaches a Tipping Point — Mexicans on the Menu

    BY Jie Loya, EMS You’d see this phenomenon in prison. A guy in H-Unit would get beat down real bad with a heavy weight belt and get sent to the hospital with eye damage and missing teeth. Author Joe Loya.

  • Maya Lin’s Speech at 2018 Yale SVA Commencement

    New York City, — On Monday, May 7, 2018, Radio City Music Hall hosted the 2018 Yale School of Visual Arts Commencement Exercises. Proud parents, elated students —1,180 graduates receiving degrees—and seas of red graduation gowns filled the beautiful Art Deco space on this glorious day. The centerpiece highlight, of course, was the keynote speech…