99 Ranch Market Offers Same Day Delivery with Shipt

Boston, March 27, 2020, — 99 Ranch Market is partnering up with Shipt to make your shopping experience more efficient and convenient. This service is for you if you are someone who has trouble carrying all the heavy groceries, a shopper who needs emergency stockup of your favorite products, or you just want to stay at home during these dire times. Shipt is the service for you.

Step 1: Choose the subscription plan desired. Depending on your preference, Shipt offers monthly or yearly membership.
Step 2: Enter your zip code for a proper calculation of which stores are accessible to you.
Step 3: Start shopping and choose your delivery time window.
Ex: 9am -10am
Step 4: Add special notes of how you would like your food to be chosen.
Ex: Make sure the Avocados are soft
Step 5: Check out and have same day delivery!
Shipt is very user friendly, you just have to enter your zip code and they will calculate which stores are accessible to you. They offer same-day delivery, special discounts, and can deliver as soon as 1 hr depending on your location. 99 ranch market will be just fingertips away. For more details, please see: https://www.shipt.com/99-ranch-market-grocery-delivery/
Coming Soon: 99 Ranch Market will offer Pickup In Store and Local Delivery in select stores to offer more shopping options to customers.

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