Congresswoman Pressley’s Speech on Ongoing Government Shutdown

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley delivered a 1-minute speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in response to the ongoing government shutdown. The following is the test of her speech.

“Madam Speaker,
I rise today in opposition to the occupant of the White House. Mr. Trump, you took an oath just as I did 5 days ago, to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.
Sir, you dishonor that oath. You devalue the life of the immigrant, the worker and the survivor. I see right through you and so do the American people.
This has nothing to do with border security. Your shut down, another Trump generated crisis, has brought a tsunami of hurt.
So, I rise today to lift the voices of the unheard. I rise today on behalf of the families concerned about feeding their children because their WIC benefits will run dry.
I rise today in solidarity with the thousands of workers with calloused hands and broken spirits working for no pay.
I rise today in support of the survivor fleeing violent hands, seeking safety, only to find the shelter door locked because of your shutdown.
I rise today in support of the American people, who believe in the promise of this nation and ask for honest pay for an honest day’s work.
Today I rise as one and I stand as thousands.
Thank you and I yield back.”

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