Meet Mr. Hung Goon, The New President of Boston Chinatown Lions Club

By Olivia Bornstein,
Boston, April 11, 2018 — The Boston Chinatown Lions Club held its annual “Installation of Officers Dinner” on the evening of June 8. In the heart of Chinatown, at the Empire Garden Restaurant, about 150 members and guests of the Lions Club met to swear in new members, dedicate a new staff of leadership positions and celebrate yet another year of continued humanitarian efforts.

President Goon (4th from right, front row) and members of the Chinatown Lion’s Club pose for a picture.

Ed Flynn, Boston City Councilor representing Chinatown, also stopped by to congratulation the new leadership team. One of the highlights of the night was the inauguration of Hung Goon as the new president of the organization. Mr. Goon started off as a secretary in 1988 and has been President twice before. He is a well respected and integral part of the Chinatown community.

The Boston Chinatown Lions Club is a part of the world’s largest humanitarian organization, the Lions Club. The Lion’s Club is the world’s largest humanitarian international organization that provides support to the poor. With 39 years in Chinatown, they embrace the Asian community of Boston and strive to provide health support to those in need. Boston Chinatown Lions Club provides free vision services, health services and collects eyeglasses from residents of Chinatown for international redistribution. The Lions Club has a history of advocacy in eyecare and health. In 1968, Lions all around the country sent 100,000 letters and telegrams to congress, urging votes for the installation of a national eye institute by Lyndon B. Johnson, which was successfully installed.
The night was filled with a series of events and speakers that addressed a multitude of topics. The welcoming remarks were performed by Bonnie Kok, a former president of the organization from 2017-2018. Eddie Lee, the regional chair, then introduced the guests. Most of the guests were lions club members from other parts of Boston or even other states, coming from as far as Florida.
Margaret Menard, a District Governor, introduced the newest members to the Lions Club. Debbie Hayes, the First District Governor Elect, followed with the official commencement of new members, reading the list of commitments and responsibilities of new members and officiating their membership.
The Lions Club also has a great commitment to diversity and inclusion. “I believe it is 38% women.” Debbie Hayes spoke about the female representation of members. “The Chinatown Boston Lions Club does such good work. They also seem to have the most fun!” The annual installation of officers dinner was concluded with dancing and beautiful karaoke.
Membership in the Boston Chinatown Lions Club is by invitation only. If you would like to learn more about joining the organization or starting your own installation of a Lions Club at your University or town, please speak to any member of the Chinatown Lions Club or join monthly meetings at 19 Edinboro Street, Chinatown Boston at 7 PM on the first Monday of the month.